So recently, I have fell in love with almost everything Kate spade, not only are her watches and bags some of the most beautiful ones I've ever seen. I've also fallen in love with her stationary! And surely it's the most perfect time to treat myself just before university term starts? £20.00 in my eyes is so cheap for something of such class and quality, and honestly don't think I can resist! Definitely will be purchasing some more, including her pens and pencils! Would recommend all you fashionistas to view either on or! Be classy for studies!
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Hello everyone, know this my second post today, but was browsing through some photos and saw some from a few photo shoots I took part in and thought I would share. At college I helped a fashion design friend with a 60s shoot, modelling her beautiful garments she made in her second year of college. Over the past year photography has become a massive part of my life and I adore looking at different styles which I will post more about in time. This shoot we tried to re create the 60s sexy yet glamorous and spontaneous natural feel. Photography for fashion is so important, to make sure the desired look is created, and I feel the rustic, vintage look really worked here. Please comment and share.
Having no money is a massive issue when I go shopping but means I can window shop my life away and see all the new shop items I want but will probably never be able to afford. In both topshop and River Island I spotted the vintage/ 60s style garments and my god they are beautiful. When seeing this play suit I automatically imagined twiggy in it, and how stunning it could look when worn with right accessories. Heeled boots or the clogs would complete this look perfectly with either a white or orange clutch, large gold or black earrings with some matching bracelet and rings, this item is definitely going on my want list.

I do love having a browse at the new upcoming trends and particularly in the lakeside top shop. Aka heaven. The stripes have been coming out in force and I love the styles they are merging them with. The trousers shown here are definitely my favourite, using the parallel lines in a vertical line make the legs look longer and the waist look smaller (what most of us girls love). The swing dress also shown is something I fell in love with, the zig zag repeat line and colour work so well together creating a vintage and classy look ideal for a cocktail occasion or could be dressed down for a less formal party.